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Scentsational Craft Fairs

I participated in my very first craft fair at a local nursing home last weekend!  My table looked awesome.  (Pics to follow).  I had so much fun, met alot of great people.  I shared the love I have for Scentsy and how I got involved.  Everyone was totally interested.  The thought of NEVER having to ever light a match again.  I set up a giveaway box and newsletter signup. People were great and the orders came rushing in.  Some folks were eager to get their stuff, paid shipping and their Scentsy order was delivered straight to their house.  I loved giving the samples I made because people’s eyes lit up that they were getting something for FREE.  I really believe that it’s the little gestures that really impresses.  Genuine friendliness, love for the product,  and enthusiasm shows and people flock around you.  I’ll post 2 more postings with details about the next 2 craft fairs I will have my booth…stop by…buy…buy…buy

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